We shape the country’s most important asset—its people.

Education is a winning opportunity—the key to unlocking growth.

persone riprese da dietro attente alla formazione

The best skills in the world of corporate training & professional development. Together.

persone costruiscono un puzzle bianco con un pezzo rosso

Digit’Ed brings together the best names in the learning & development world, with a view to building an ever-improving education offering that is comprehensive and, above all, integrated. For large corporates, SMEs, and professionals of all walks. That means you.

persone costruiscono un puzzle bianco con un pezzo rosso


A network of excellence, bringing together specialist skills in a range of key sectors.

Digit’Ed was established in 2022, uniting the experience of Intesa Sanpaolo Formazione and Altaformazione. Today we are a force of excellence, providing learning solutions tailored to the needs of each of our clients.
Our network encompasses names of such prestige as Treccani Accademia and Accurate, two leaders in their very different fields, united by a solid credibility.



Quality, commitment, and a reliable organization that comes certified.

The quality of the services we provide is a promise we guarantee, and not only through our words and actions.

– ISO 9001:2015 certification for sectors EA33 and EA37: information technology and design and provision of technological and multimedia e-learning solutions;
– ISO 29993/ISO 29994 certifications for distance learning.


Management team

angolo corridoio uffici Digit'Ed

in pioneering the future of education in Italy.

Our values

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What inspires us each day is what makes the difference.

Our story

persone riprese da dietro attente alla formazione

Leadership rooted in the experience of the past, with its sights on the future.