For the second of our HR Impact Talks, Digit’Ed and 24ORE Business School hosted a prominent international authority on talent management, leadership, and artificial intelligence—the renowned organizational psychologist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic.

In his provocative and though-provoking talk, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic spoke of the gap between the qualities traditionally considered attractive in leaders and those effectively needed for good leadership. For Dr. Chamorro-Premuzic, if we rated leaders on the criteria of competence, humility, and integrity, rather than charisma and self-confidence, not only would we have more competent leaders, but we would see a lot more women in leadership roles.
Introducing Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
Having dedicated his career to studying the psychology of leadership, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic is a recognized international authority on psychological profiling and talent management. He is currently Chief Talent Scientist at Manpower Group and a professor of business psychology at University College London and Columbia University. Founder and CEO of DeeperSignals and Metaprofiling, Dr. Chamorro-Premuzic has enriched the field of psychology with the publication of ten books and more than 150 scientific articles, earning major awards from no less than the American Psychological Association and the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology.
Three critical areas in which AI is making the difference
Dr. Chamorro-Premuzic spoke of the future of work and the growing role of HR in steering organizations to success, also thanks to the advent of artificial intelligence. Looking at the latest trends and insights shaping the HR world, he offered practical strategies to help companies navigate in a business environment in rapid transformation and highlighted three critical areas in which AI is making the difference:
- Automation of predictable work
- Impact on human skills
- Combination of human and artificial intelligence
Dr. Chamorro-Premuzic stressed how AI can support leaders in being more data-driven and in forecasting trends, improving the selection and development of leadership talent through psychometric assessment tools, and highlighted the benefits AI can bring to training and skill development.
Not just artificial intelligence
In speaking of AI, Dr. Chamorro-Premuzic broadened the perspective to look at the challenges and opportunities of the future. He delved into the issues of personality, organizational effectiveness, and work skills, answering the following questions:
- Will the future of work be increasingly more hybrid and flexible? What are the main challenges and opportunities of this scenario for employees and organizations?
- What are the main concerns and hopes regarding integrating artificial intelligence both in our personal and professional life?
- What role does personality assessment play in enhancing organizational effectiveness?
- What innovations do you think artificial intelligence could bring to the realm of reskilling and upskilling?
For more insights, read the l’interview by Francesco Limone in our Fortune Italia column The Human Factor.
HR Impact Talks
This series of talks is part of Digit’Ed’s constant commitment to promoting critical thinking and the sharing of knowledge within the HR community. The first HR Impact Talk, held at the start of this year, involved an engaging and though-provoking talk with Father Paolo Benanti on the impact of AI and automation on the working world.
HR Impact Talks is a series of exclusive interviews for human resources managers, exploring major issues of topical relevance. An opportunity to gain insight into how the business world is evolving and how the changes are impacting people management in organizations