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Greco-Pittella School joins the Digit’Ed network

Digit’Ed expands is education offering by joining forces with a top-tier player in legal education
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The new partnership with the Greco-Pittella School takes Digit’Ed another step forward toward its objective of uniting top-tier education players behind a world-class education offering for all professional sectors.

logo Scuola Greco - Pittella

Established in 2015 by notary public Vincenzo Davide Greco and lawyer Domenico Pittella (who will remain in charge of the learning curriculum), the Greco-Pittella School is a leading authority in the comprehensive preparation of candidates for admission examinations for the legal profession, in particular attorneys, magistrates, and notaries public. Set apart by its highly innovative learner-centred methods, the school’s strength lies in the direct, personal relationship built with lecturers, made possible by the limited number of places offered each year.

The excellence of its teaching methods and constant engagement with the academic world have enabled, to date, more than one thousand law graduates to embark on careers as attorneys, magistrates, notaries public, prefects, civil servants, and senior managers with independent authorities and public institutions.

Thanks to major digital input provided by Digit’Ed, new learning plans will be developed to improve the digital and distance offering, while maintaining the benefits of direct teacher-student relationships.

The partnership also unlocks the possibility of extending the school’s legal education offering to the business world and professionals, through master’s programs, refresher courses, specialist programs, and advanced legal training.

To promote the internationalization of learning, a Summer School and a Winter School will be organized abroad, open to new law graduates.

Finally, scholarships will be introduced, in partnership with Digit’Ed, to enable worthy new law graduates to study at the school free of charge or on a subsidised basis.

Vincenzo Davide Greco e Domenico Pittella fondatori di Scuola Greco – Pittella

For the deal, Digit’Ed was assisted by the BonelliErede law firm for legal advisory, and by Deloitte for financial and tax due diligence. Ethica was engaged as financial advisor for the deal.