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Digit’Ed acquires a controlling stake in Galgano Informatica Group

New opportunities for funded training
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Digit’Ed has further expanded its reach and opened to the Italian SME segment with the entry into its network of Galgano Informatica Group, a leader in people training services financed by major Joint Interprofessional Funds. Galgano Informatica Group was established in 1983 by the engineer Antonio Galgano. Since then, the group has grown from strength to strength under the leadership of his son, Andrea, who continues to guide the business.

cubo in 3D bianco, sui lati una G che indica Gruppo Galgano

Alongside the design and delivery of its training programs, Galgano works with its clients to identify the best funding solutions for corporate education, leveraging its accreditation with major Joint Interprofessional Funds for continuing education in Italy and public funding opportunities. Galgano unlocks the doors for Digit’Ed to access a market worth some €2.5 million per year and reach firmly into the SME segment, reinforcing its leadership of the corporate education sector.

Funded Training

Funded training is a strategic avenue for businesses looking to strengthen and expand the skill sets of their employees. Nineteen interprofessional funds for continuing education are active in Italy and accessible to all industry sectors. Run as associations authorized by the Ministry for Labor and Welfare Policy, the interprofessional funds were established to promote the professional training and reskilling/upskilling of workers. The inclusion of the New Skills Fund under the framework of the NRRP gives key importance to the Joint Interprofessional Funds as the main instrument for accessing public funding for corporate education. Member organizations can obtain funding to cover a variety of expenses, including the engagement of qualified instructors and purchase of learning materials, the design of courses and programs, and the rental of education facilities and classrooms.

Galgano Informatica Group

Galgano designs and delivers training programs as an end-to-end education provider. It works with businesses to analyse their learning needs and identify strategic objectives, fully managing the roll-out and delivery of projects and organizing financing solutions. Its wide range of learning library courses and customized training programs is targeted primarily at enterprises and job-seekers. Building on its IT roots, Galgano deploys advanced, cutting-edge technology, with IT systems that fully incorporate the latest digital processes and artificial intelligence.

In the current market framework, funded training is a strategic option of indispensable benefit for businesses. Investing in the growth of employees, through their reskilling and upskilling, is an opportunity to boost productivity and firmly engage every individual in business objectives. We are pleased to announce the partnership with Galgano, which brings to our team skills and technologies of great synergy with Digit’Ed groupsays Valerio Momoni, Digit’Ed Chief Corporate Development & M&A Officer


“Galgano Informatica Group is proud to be joining the Digit’Ed network. A partnership that takes up the real challenge of improving the education offering of our country and making it ever-more competitive. Ever since its establishment, the Group has successfully seized on growth opportunities, trusting in its strategic capacity for adaptation and the quality of its education—elements that have always been our hallmark. We are convinced that the synergy with Digit’Ed will be a fundamental step forward to keep growing and unlocking the value of the skills and professionalism of the human capital in enterprises” remarks Andrea Galgano, Chairman of Galgano Informatica.