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Digit’Ed acquires control of Accurate Srl.

Digit’Ed expands its offering through the acquisition of a leader in innovation technology applied to medical training.
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Digit’Ed has brought to term its acquisition of a controlling stake in Accurate Srl, a leader in innovation technology applied to medical training for universities, hospitals, and public and private healthcare providers.

The deal strengthens Digit’Ed’s leadership of the education sector, enhancing our learning proposition with technologies and targeted content for the medical sector. The acquisition is in line with our plans to grow and become the national champion in higher education in Italy.

Building on its deep experience in innovation technology for medical training, Accurate operates as many as 75 Advanced Medical Simulation Centres at prestigious universities in Italy and around the world and holds eight technology patents, evidencing its firm commitment to the goals of maximizing patient safety and improving the quality of medical care by training healthcare professionals. Our proprietary digital platform now features e-learning courses covering all the key medical fields, including cardiology, pediatrics, and neonatology, to name just a sample.

After Treccani Accademia, the new acquisition take us another step forward towards our goal of expanding to become the ultimate education provider in Italy across the board, thanks to the world-class standard of our learning content.