Galgano Informatica Group

Professionals in Funded Training

Vista dall'alto di un team professionale che lavora


Experience and innovation at the service of businesses.

Galgano Informatica Group was established in 1983 by the engineer Antonio Galgano. Since then, the group has grown from strength to strength under the leadership of his son, Andrea, who continues to guide the business. Alongside the design and delivery of its training programmes, Galgano works with its clients to identify the best funding solutions for corporate education, leveraging its accreditation with major Joint Interprofessional Funds for continuing education in Italy.

cubo in 3D bianco, sui lati una G che indica Gruppo Galgano
Persone sfocate che si incontrano in una sala conferenze


Galgano education offering.

Galgano works as an end-to-end business partner for the design and delivery of corporate education. Training programmes are built on a detailed assessment of learning needs and the identification of strategic objectives, and then rolled-out under its comprehensive management. Galgano offers an extensive learning library and custom education programmes targeted primarily at corporate education and the development of employability skills. The courses focus on key thematic areas, including: Mandatory Safety Training; Marketing & Communications; HR Management & Organizational Development; Quality & Management Systems; Accounts & Administration; Technological Innovation; Languages; and IT. Thanks to Galgano, Digit’Ed vaunts a winning education offering and financing options to best serve small and medium enterprises in Italy.

professionisti aziendali con tablet in ufficio


Galgano Informatica Group in numbers


businesses served every year


hours of training delivered


people trained



Galgano Informatica Group is proud to be joining the Digit’Ed network. A partnership that takes up the real challenge of improving the education offering of our country and making it ever-more competitive. We are convinced that the synergy with Digit’Ed will be a fundamental step forward to keep growing and unlocking the value of the skills and professionalism of the human capital in enterprises

Ritratto di Andrea Galgano, Presidente Galgano Formazione

Andrea Galgano,
Chairman of Galgano Informatica.


Learning solutions.

Learning Library

A learning library of more than 200 courses divided into nine target areas, based on a detailed analysis of the education needs of more than 3000 client companies.

Custom Learning

A modular, flexible and scalable service to meet the complex and different education needs of small, medium and large companies in Italy.

Funded Training

An education offering eligible for funding by Joint Interprofessional Funds for continuing education in Italy and by the European Social Fund.